What is pressure drop in a pipe? Pressure drop is the decrease in pressure that occurs as fluids flow through pipes due to friction and other factors. When we choose and use various flowmeters, we may all hear the parameter of pressure loss or pressure drop.
It’s important to know how to calculate pressure drop in pipes, as it can help you troubleshoot issues, optimize your system’s performance. In this blog, we’ll show you how to calculate pressure drop in pipes and provide tips to minimize it in your system. Let’s dive in!

5 Factors Affecting Pressure Drop
In industrial settings, pipes are often used to transport liquids, gases, and other materials over long distances. When fluids flow through pipes, they experience pressure drop due to various factors, which can affect the efficiency of the system and even cause equipment failure.
In an industrial pipe system, several factors contribute to pressure drop, including the flow rate, pipe diameter, pipe length, fluid properties (like density and viscosity). And the presence of fittings and valves. These factors must be carefully considered when designing or troubleshooting an industrial pipe system to ensure that it operates safely, efficiently, and reliably.
In this section, we’ll explore each of these factors in more detail and discuss their impact on pressure drop in industrial pipes.
Read more about: Shop 101: Key Factors In Selecting A Pipe Flow Meter
Calculation of Pressure Drop
Calculating pressure drop in a pipeline involves several steps, including:
- Determine the flow rate of the fluid in the pipeline.
- Determine the properties of the fluid, such as density and viscosity.
- Measure the pipe length, diameter, and roughness.
- Determine the number and type of fittings and valves in the pipeline.
- Select the appropriate pressure drop equation based on the specific pipeline conditions and design.
- Calculate the Reynolds number to determine if the flow is laminar or turbulent.
- Use the selected pressure drop equation to calculate the pressure drop.
- Compare the calculated pressure drop with the maximum allowable pressure drop to ensure that the pipeline operates safely.
It’s important to note that pressure drop calculations may need to be repeated several times to ensure that the pipeline design meets the required pressure and flow rate specifications. It’s also important to ensure that accurate and up-to-date data is used in the calculation to ensure the safety and efficiency of the pipeline.
Pressure Drop Equations
Pressure drop equations are mathematical formulas that engineers and designers use to calculate the pressure loss in a pipeline. There are many different equations, but three of the most common are Bernoulli’s equation, the Darcy-Weisbach equation, and the Hazen-Williams equation.
- Bernoulli’s equation
- Darcy-Weisbach equation
- Hazen-Williams equation
For a detailed introduction to the equation, please refer to the professional academic website. There are detailed discussions. We will not repeat them here.
Read more about: Flow Rate And Pressure Relationship
Online Pressure Drop Calculators and Software
Online pressure drop calculators and software have made it easier than ever to calculate the pressure drop in a pipeline. These tools provide users with an easy and efficient way to input pipeline data and receive accurate pressure drop calculations.
Online calculators typically require the user to input pipeline data such as flow rate, pipe diameter, length, fluid density and viscosity, and fittings and valve information. The software then uses algorithms and equations to provide an estimate of the pressure drop in the pipeline.
These tools are particularly useful for engineers, technicians, and operators who need to quickly and accurately calculate pressure drops for a wide range of pipeline applications.
For example: Pressure Drop Online-Calculator
Flow Meter Pressure Drop
Flow Meter Pressure Drop, also known as Pressure loss, is one of the key indicators of flow meters.
Flow Meter Pressure Drop is used to describe the pressure difference (P1-P2) before and after the flow meter input (P1) and output (P2). It is also the minimum pressure difference to ensure the normal operation of the flowmeter. It is one of the basic parameters of the flowmeter.
The pressure loss of the flowmeter generally increases with the increase of the flow rate. Also affected by the solution. For example, the pressure loss of flowmeters based on ultrasonic flowmeters and MEMS (micro-electromechanical systems) is much smaller than that of vortex flowmeters and differential pressure flowmeters.
Featured Inline Flow Meters
So is there any flowmeter that does not cause pipeline pressure loss?
Yes. Ultrasonic flowmeter, clamp-on sensor, does not need to cut the pipeline, and will not affect the pressure of the pipeline.
Understanding the Pressure Drop of the pipeline helps us to design the pipeline system reasonably.
The Pressure Drop of the flowmeter is also an important parameter to consider. The pressure loss of the flowmeter will cause energy consumption, which is an important parameter to characterize the performance of the flowmeter. It is also more and more people’s attention and become one of the important indicators of flow meter selection.
Sino-Inst is a manufacturer of flow meters. If users have technical questions about the Pressure Drop of the flowmeter, they can contact our sales engineers at any time.
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Wu Peng, born in 1980, is a highly respected and accomplished male engineer with extensive experience in the field of automation. With over 20 years of industry experience, Wu has made significant contributions to both academia and engineering projects.
Throughout his career, Wu Peng has participated in numerous national and international engineering projects. Some of his most notable projects include the development of an intelligent control system for oil refineries, the design of a cutting-edge distributed control system for petrochemical plants, and the optimization of control algorithms for natural gas pipelines.